Saturday, April 30, 2011

I'll Have Family with a Side of Friends...

Recently, I've had several conversations with a few friends about "making time" & "friendship" and I felt compelled to write about it.  Making time, you say?  Now, there's a concept.  How do you make time between family, work, baseball, the doctor, birthdays and showering?  Pretty much if it's not marked on the calendar, then it most likely won't happen - and even when  plans do get a spot on our calendar, it's fair game for cancellation.  Doesn't attempting to make plans count for something?

As I've grown older I've learned that life pulls us in a million directions.  As if a husband and work weren't enough, I had to go and add kids to the mix, but I wouldn't change it for the world.  Being on the go is how my family operates and the ones who fit their schedules in the cracks are what I like to consider, blessings.  I have learned that friendship is not gauged by physical time spent together, but rather, the ability to cherish time that has been spent and looking forward to the next get-together.   Friendship is respecting that some one's way of life may be different from mine now.  Friendship is loving a person for who they are, loving what they love and supporting what they represent.  I always hope that my friends will support me in what I love most and stand for, which is my family.  I guess if I was forced to come up with a magical answer, I'd say - there comes a time that we all grow up and may grow apart.  However, just because we see each other less, doesn't mean that the friendship lessens.  It is definitely a tough pill to swallow, but it is what I believe in.

My "Two Half Men" and my husband are my LIFE.  And I like to think of friends as the whipped cream and cherry on top!  I don't always have the extra money to get the toppings, but I always want them; just like I may not always have the time to see a friend, but I will always love them.

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