Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wow! That's a lot of Firsts!

 It's funny how when you have a baby, you spend an awful lot of time taking note of every "first" event.  What makes one worth noting more than another?  For instance, did anyone document the first time their kid picked their nose or projectile vomited all over Daddy?  If you're wondering if I did...no, I didn't.  (Although, that would have made a really funny picture!) But - I do have some photos of "firsts" that I felt important enough to capture.  Drum roll please...

1st Rollover
1st Halloween

1st Thanksgiving

1st Attempt at a Bumbo
1st Solid Foods
1st Christmas

1st Snow

1st Attempt at Crawling

1st Time Pulling Myself Up

1st Swim

1st Big Boy Bath

1st Teeth

1st Time I Stood Up
1st Time Walking on my Own

My 1st Birthday

1st Time at the Beach

1st Haircut

1st Trip to the Mountains      

1st Tractor Ride

1st X Games Practice Session!    

That's a wrap, folks!  And you thought there were going to be pictures of boogers and vomit, didn't you?!?

Friday, March 25, 2011

2 1/2 Years Revisted

 After spending quite some time reading others' blogs about their children, along with the fact that I have a computer at my fingertips almost all day long, I decided it was time to create a blog about my son.

My first attempt at documenting Riley was on a piece of notebook paper.  Hello, ancient times (refer back to the day of hand-written diaries)!  I say "ancient" jokingly, because it was just fifteen / twenty years ago that I documented all of the important things in life in my lock & key diary. For instance - who liked who, my first kiss and what unfair thing my parents did on that particular day.  So, now that I've watched two and a half years race by, I think it's time to start documenting again.  I don't want to let anymore time or memories of Riley slip away and become ancient history.  And, let's be honest, what are the chances that I would keep up with a piece of paper throughout his lifetime?  Um, I'll answer that one for you: slim to none.  In fact, I couldn't tell you where that piece of paper is now - it probably hitched a ride on a dump truck to the local landfill a couple of years ago. 

So, pretty much this is the perfect way to document the ever-changing life of Riley for those of you who don't get to see him as often as you'd like.  And even for those who do see this pint size miracle frequently, I think you will (or at least, I hope you will) enjoy reading about a day in the life of The Rilenator!

Stay tuned for the next entry, in which I'll recap some stats that I do have know the location of in his "1 year" book.  If anyone has any in particular that they remember, please share with me (send to my email).  Until then, I'll leave you with this...

The perfect day, 08/12/08.

Oh, and why "The Rilenator" you ask?  Because Riley is the only one of his kind!  He is the definition of originality.